Zanzibar Women Recognition Awards

Believing in Women


Is an entity concentrating on the empowerment of Zanzibar women and youth in financial empowerment such as entrepreneurship skills, leadership and life skills such as health education.

About Us

While the whole world is states of finding sustainable ways to engaged young women and uplift their living standard, Zanzibar has no expectation. Every now and then, issues related to poor engagement and participation of women in various social activities, lack of financial support and employment, increase  poor income opportunities for females, poor education, life and entrepreneurship skills foe Zanzibar women and youth has been dominant.

In solving these socioeconomic challenges related children and women who hinder their development and hence slow the development of the society in general, engagement and skills intervention have to be put in place.

Our Vision

Believe in an improvement society raises the standards of living of women and Youth.

Our Mission

Provision of legal support for the rural women and children and ensuring economic self-reliance and empowerment for the rural poor.


From 10th November 2023 - 20th November 2023


From 25th November 2023 - 5th December 2023


Results will be announced on the 10th December, 2023